Download Free Illbleed Dreamcast Iso Torrents
File: 2.93 MB, 2500x1667, IMG_9992downscalebeacause4chancanthandlethisshit.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Dreamcast Thread Anonymous Sun Apr 12 00: [] [] [] ITT: Dreamcast discussion, pictures, game recommendations, memories, ect. Kicking off with some pictures >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 00: File: 3.54 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_9971.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 00: File: 3.84 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_9974.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 00: never touched one. Should I buy one and burn some games for it?
>>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 00: File: 3.54 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_9971.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 00: sure its not that expensive, but dont be surprised if the GD-ROM drive stops working after a couple weeks >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 00: If you feel like jumping into it, then go ahead! They're pretty cheap and a box of CD-Rs are like 15 bucks. You don't have to buy the games but its nice to have the original art, case and manuals. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 00: File: 3.06 MB, 2334x3500, IMG_9971downscale.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 00: this.
MISC: rom loading refactoring, NAOMI GD-ROM sets now require security PIC dumps, old GD-rip binaries not supported anymore. DC: a lot of game-specific fixes, now more games are playable or glitch-free - DX11. NAOMI: MAME Naomi CHD-files supported (but not listed in dat), need CHD plugin in plugins directory.
Its not particularly difficult to fix most of the time though. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 00: I wish third party DC case shells existed. The DC is one of the easiest console to open up and exchange the case. I've seen some official replacement cases on eBay however they go for a lot. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 01: >after a couple weeks what. I've bought the cheapest discs possible and my Dreamcast has had no problems related to it since I've gotten it over a year ago.
I've head very mixed things about using high quality vs low quality CD-Rs, but GD-Rs are better for your Dreamcast overall. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 01: File: 48 KB, 600x600, 522.gif [] [] [] [] [] really makes me wish i still had mine. I bought it in a discount bin and played doa2 on it with my buddies for hours on end. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 02: File: 50 KB, 512x377, #SAVESHENMUE.jpg [] [] [] [] [] #SAVESHENMUE TRENDING ON TWITTER SEGA PLEASE RELEASE YU SUZUKIS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY THAT YOU WITHHOLD SO WE CAN CROWDFUND SHENMUE 3. KEEP YOUR RIGHTS TO PUBLISH SHENMUE 1&2 HD (on pc pls) THANKS #SHENMUE SUNDAY #SAVESHENMUE >>ron Sun Apr 12 02: File: 51 KB, 542x470, ron.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 02: hey fag >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 02: I want S3 but this shit is pretty bad >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 02: depends on the rips. ReviveDC rips are organized in such a way as to reduce the wear on the laser (making the rips better than original GD-ROMs in theory). >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 02: Managed to order a GDEmu in the April Fool's Day sale, but only after I burned dozens of games.
.jpg)
My new DC's GD-R drive feels like it has lots of life left in it. I'd give away the burned games and sell the drive on the cheap if it was easy.
In the Phoenix area if any y'all niggaz interested. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 03: The worst of the worst. And honestly, it's not like the first two games were above average.
>>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 03: >Looking at prices for Dreamcasts/accessories/games on Australian ebay >Everything is super cheap Is this normal? Aussie video game prices are usually ridiculous yet everything Dreamcast related seems to be reasonably priced. Is the DC super unpopular here or something? >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 03: get this /v/ tier shitposting out of here. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 03: File: 75 KB, 331x506, 254.jpg [] [] [] [] [] that lighting.
>>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 03: Finally got around to getting a battery for the VMU i bought a couple months ago, also downloaded a DCRES rom torrent so i got a handful of games to burn. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 03: VMUs eat batteries if you use it frequently. I played chao adventure for about a week and the batteries went. Fun as fuck though. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 03: I'll do that lighting for the genni if you want. I'll have to do it tomorrow since my camera's batteries are bone dry.
>>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 13: File: 840 KB, 900x642, sega-dreamcast-box.png [] [] [] [] [] tight, how's do you get that type of lighting? It looks like pic related. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 15: I used some color gels left over from a short film I did and taped it to flashlights. Lol Its nothing fancy but it doesn't really matter so long as it gets the job done. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 15: Old sega products seem to be pretty well priced in the US as well. 30-40 USD is the norm for a dreamcast.
Installing Internet Explorer Wine here. Games are usually less than 10 dollars if its not shenmue. Its the same story with the genesis. VMUs go for about 5 dollars used and 15 dollars completely unopened. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 15: File: 77 KB, 480x482, 23266583_480mw.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Remember: if it doesn't sound like a jet engine in your living room, it's not a Dreamcast. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 15: the GD-ROM is the worst part.
It sounds like a robot is trying to break out of it. However, it's not the loudest console I own. That spot would be taken by my 1st gen fat PS3. That thing is a fucking hair dryer. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 15: Reminder that Dreamcast isn't retro because 6th Gen isn't Retro. What gen is Dreamcast again?
>>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 15: Why even take the time to post this? >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 15: Cuz he's a fucking loser, why else >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 15: Has anyone tried connecting a dreamcast to a PVM? How would that work? >>Kya!kDashing02 Sun Apr 12 15: File: 1012 KB, 3280x2460, 102_2364.jpg [] [] [] [] [] S-Video and RGB look wonderful.
If you had a MultiFormat model, and put together a circuit to combine the sync information, you could likely get a VGA cable connected up to it as well. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 18: File: 3.96 MB, 2500x1667, IMG_0048downscale.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 18: File: 2.67 MB, 2000x1334, IMG_0053downscale.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 18: File: 3.06 MB, 2200x1467, IMG_0031downscale.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 18: File: 3.83 MB, 2500x1667, IMG_0034downscale.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 18: Neat.
Thanks for posting. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 19: File: 430 KB, 640x480, Zodickthehellhog.png [] [] [] [] [] Everytime a DC thread comes along I'm gonna rep for Illbleed. The story is that some teenagers enter a contest to survive the world's scariest theme park. Each stage like a horror movie, complete with jump scares, blood and guts, and monsters that chase you. Its gameplay involves the player exploring and 'tagging' potential scary scenes; if you make mistakes, you will be frightened (usually it's silly or funny, though) and your heart rate will increase. You also have to monitor your adrenaline as well as your health. There are also several short combat segments in each stage, these unfortunately control badly but can be avoided.
It's not a very good game by normal standards. So why the recommendation? If you like bizarre or niche games, you must experience it.
Its weirdness is of a very high caliber, which makes it worth checking out. I just can't explain how strange Illbleed is, except that maybe it's like The Room. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 19: >the room in game form checking this shit asap >>Anonymous Sun Apr 12 22: It's honestly great. You're doing yourself a favor playing it. >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 01: File: 62 KB, 400x300, IMG_2314.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 01: Fuck, and I just got done masturbating. >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 05: Not him but how is he shitposting?
He may not have said this which is also true but it is true that the gd drive is most likely gonna stop working sometime (probably soon, given we're in 2015) and need a fix. The 'couple of weeks' thing may be an exaggeration but it could also happen depending on the state of the console. There's also the resetting problem caused by the psu, which also has an easy fix (cleaning some contacts). I didn't know about this but, if legit, sounds very cool.
I'll check it out. Man that's nice as fuck.
I love how balanced the blue and orange are (and the fact that those were the dreamcast colors), but I find the lid a bit dark. Is it possible to have the lid a bit more lit by blue (or alternatively light white) without breaking the balance in the front (at least not in a very noticeable way)? >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 07: File: 108 KB, 376x300, Hinata.png [] [] [] [] [] Greatest console.
I had so much fun with it. Rival Schools Marvel vs Capcom 2 SNK vs Capcom 2 Rush San Francisco DoA 2 Even Mortal Motherfucking Kombat Gold >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 10: File: 81 KB, 320x240, 320px-VampireChronicleFMS_title.png [] [] [] [] [] Just got Vampire Chronicles off ebay for cheap. Came in Friday and played it a good chunk of the weekend. Might be my favorite DC fighter now >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 11: File: 69 KB, 640x448, sonic_screen016.jpg [] [] [] [] [] How come we can't completely slam games for being utter shite on this board? You have to 'eloquently justify your hatred of a game to post about it'. Isn't it enough to call it horse shit? I have to EXPLAIN why?
>>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 11: Hopefully this thread can help me, since google was no luck. I've tried burning about half a dozen games using Verbatim discs and DCRevive iso's. The issue I'm having is that the game will boot, then get to the ReviveDC/Sega screen and then the system just restarts. >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 11: File: 76 KB, 620x608, dreamcast millionaire.jpg [] [] [] [] [] I was obsessed over Dreamcast for years because I had never seen one in real life, but few years ago I finally got myself one. I haven't played with it much because I'm waiting to find VGA box of cheap so that I can get more clearer picture. I don't know what it is, maybe the early 00s schlock, but I really do love the absurd and bizarre selection of games such as picture related. I played that with my brothers and we had a blast.
>>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 11: Are you sure you burned them correctly? I can't remember what program I used to burn my DC games back then, but I remember having to download some specific.dll file to that burning program files in order to burn DC games properly. >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 11: There is zero information in calling something shit and doesn't help anyone. I think this tangent should be now ended. >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 11: I think so. I mean, I used DiscJuggler and configured it according the the instructions I found.
I guess it doesn't matter, DC games go for pretty cheap around here. It'd just be nice to be able to play some of the more rare titles. >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 12: >Implying it's louder than a 360.
>>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 12: >system just restarts clean the contacts between the mainboard and the psu. I had games reset for not raisin before, legit and burned copies. Ripper her open, saw it was a little corroded/dirty, cleaned it up and it worked fine again. Ymmv >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 12: File: 50 KB, 625x645, reason.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >not raisin >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 12: I was just overreacting that night when I said he was shitposting. >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 13: when i turn my dreamcast on date and time resets itself sometimes >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 13: You need a new internal battery. It's a simple replacement.
>>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 13: how >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 13: Here's a good vid - If you're no good with solder, you might think about replacing the whole controller board instead. This isn't a bad idea anyway since they have some finicky fuses. Remember to never hot-swap your controllers, turn your system off first for safety. >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 16: >Remember to never hot-swap your controllers, turn your system off first for safety. I clench every time I play Psycho Mantis on Bleem!
>>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 16: that dreamcast looks sexy as fuck >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 16: File: 5 KB, 246x205, 736.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Opinions of GDEmu? I'm looking to get one assuming they're still being made.
>>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 16: Idk about games but when I was looking for a console they started at 100 and went up to 150 just for the unit and a controller. I got my imported US one on Gumtree for 80 aus Is a euro scart cable supposed to work with a us DC or do I need to change it to the japanese standard? >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 17: it was paddus discjuggler, it was payware and it's not being developed anymore. I suppose there are new way to do it today?
How can you burn dreamcast isos with linux? I had that as well but those restarts could be at any point in the boot sequence. Rebooting always at the same point looks more like the problem is in the disc (i'm not 100% sure, my bad burned discs would just land me on the bios menu) >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 18: These days the way to do it is using ImgBurn with an additional DLL so you can open CDIs. You don't need to worry about padding or setting the track modes anymore. Also, modern drives typically have a minimum burn speed and actually work better writing at 16x than 4x.
>>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 18: Death Crimson OX isn't that bad >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 18: Garou and Last Blade 2 are DC essentials >>Anonymous Mon Apr 13 19: >Also, modern drives typically have a minimum burn speed and actually work better writing at 16x than 4x. My coaster rate dropped loads when I started burning at 16x. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 01: File: 123 KB, 640x946, Bleemcast_comparison_RR4.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Bleemcast Shit was the best thing to have ever been made (despite being unfinished).
Considering the Bleemcast concept in modern consoles this thing was a fucking masterpiece. So, if this took off and actually was able to be used, do you think this would have been the Dreamcast's savior? I personally say yes and here's why >Cheap console with great quality for cross-platform games >could play TWO WHOLE LIBRARIES >had the 4 player option build in if the ps1 game had 4 player support >was an alternative to play ps1 games if you didnt have a ps1 which iirc was more expensive than the dreamcast even when launching (i can really be wrong here but in case im not there ya go) So not only would the whole ps1 library work on it with Bleemcast, it would even improve the games.
If anything it could have allowed sega to still be in the market today and sony could have been left to rot instead. >>top ps1 >bottom bleemcast if you play ps1 titles on ps3 those pixels are present unless you enable the smoothing method which makes shit blurry and unappealing. I never noticed those pixels on my own system til i played it on ps3. So that was something interesting i guess. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 02: I didn't realize this wasn't an official product photo until I started browsing the thread. Nice work OP. Just ordered a 'better than Hanzo' VGA box from Poland w/ scanline generator and toggle switch for forcing non-compatible games.
Pretty excited to get my DC hooked up again. I pulled it out last year but was really horrified by the composite output. Looking forward to some Fighting Vipers 2. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 02: >Is a euro scart cable supposed to work with a us DC or do I need to change it to the japanese standard? >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 02: Is there a recommended games list? >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 02: No idea. VGA will give you a better picture on the majority of games that support it, so I just use S-video for the rest.
What do you like to play? >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 02: Not fond of fighting games but I'll play pretty much anything else. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 06: I've got a PVM and only really want to play the 240p games on the DC. The cable i've got gives an out of sync picture (which seems to be right colours/contrast etc). >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 07: Can you describe the sync issues?
>>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 07: They did, I had a blue see through one from lik sang back in the day >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 09: Stuff you can't get anywhere else would be - Chu Chu Rocket! Jet Grind Radio Sega Rally Championship 2 Record of Lodoss War: Advent of Cardice Super Magnetic Neo Maken X Shenmue Border Down Cannon Spike >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 10: >Stuff you can't get anywhere else If you're keeping it /vr/, I suppose. I got a really weird glitch in Super Magnetic Neo too, it wouldn't let me pass the second level. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 10: Yes, I don't count PC or digital only releases. Is your SMN original or iso? >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 10: ISO.
I'm a poorfag, only reason I have a Dreamcast is because it's easy to pirate for and old enough that I don't feel bad for it. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 10: No reason to feel bad, downloading is morally superior to supporting resellers and Game Stop imo. All I can suggest is try another rip, or just buy it; it's not expensive, even NIB. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 10: >it's not expensive, even NIB. It seems reseller scum has gotten scummier. It used to be less than $10 new.
>>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 11: More a smearing than a rolling (i've had issues with my MVS rgb system and its probably not just the sync not getting through at all) Picture seems fine otherwise >>Kya!kDashing02 Tue Apr 14 16: File: 2.58 MB, 640x480, Makoto Hugo Finish.webm [] [] [] [] [] The 'Innovation Super RGB' SCART cable I got from Turkey works fine with my PVM, so I'd say it should work fine. Could it be that it doesn't like the sync? Despite the system seemingly turning of the video information when in RGB mode, there still seems to be some data going on that line that could upset picky displays. My csync only Megaview gets all types of confused when trying to use the cable with it; Waiting on an adapter to see if it's a sync issue that a stripper could fix or something else. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 16: File: 23 KB, 207x310, IMG_0067.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >open /vr/ to see if there's anything about the dreamcast going on >see this I bought a modded Dreamcast with an overclocked CPU and patched BIOS (can do VGA output on all games, can play all burnt cd-r games) last week and it's really cool. The VGA output looks great as well.
I really want to find a broadband adapter for it, though. I want to play PSO and Q3A online. Do any of you guys do that? >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 17: You're thinking of the.cdi plugin for ImgBurn.
Just drop the files in your ImgBurn directory, that's it. >>Kya!kDashing02 Tue Apr 14 17: What is the point in using ImgBurn?
Serious question. I've used Alcohol120 for all of my DC burning needs and haven't run into a single problem. Am I slowly killing my Dreamcast or something? >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 17: I don't think it makes a difference, pretty sure it's just preference. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 18: There are cheaper, more practical ways to connect to the internet.
I made a pastebin of various info I can find, but it's a fucking mess. If you have a landline phone, it's really simple to get online. Why would you need an overclocked CPU and how many burned games can you normally not play in a Dreamcast in this day and age? The VGA output seems to be the only redeemable thing imo. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 14 21: Yeah, I heard about that PC-DC server thing.
Looks like a pain in the ass, plus I have no way of connecting a modem line to my computer.unless there's a USB adapter for doing so. Maybe I'll try it sometime. >Why would you need an overclocked CPU It's a 'because you can' thing. Everything loads and goes slightly faster. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 00: I just found this: Has HL1 and a bunch of mods you can run apparently, pretty neat.
Along with other stuff. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 00: Same poster here, just tested 'Half Life Gold GDR BETA - Repacked & Resorted' and my modded dreamcast refused to boot it.
Burnt with ImgBurn using the.cdi plugin. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 00: >my modded dreamcast What did you mod? >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 00: I was playing through, got to the killer grub worm level, finished it, then took a break. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 00: see >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 00: Link please?
My Hanzo broke, no video anymore. My S-Video and comp cables still work. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 01: Outside of the overclock, it's a plain dreamcast with a vga port, a good vga box will let you play all games in vga, and all dreamcast boot burned cd.
Does the overclock make stuff work better? >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 01: Everything is a bit faster, specifically loading times. I just realized I have a dial-up jack on my wall, does anybody want to try playing something online sometime? >>Kya!kDashing02 Wed Apr 15 01: If I had to guess: >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 01: Thanks man! >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 15: Just managed to snag a broadband adapter, hell yes. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 16: What is the appeal of the broadband adapter in this day in age?
I mean what can you do with it? Genuinely curious. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 16: Easiest way to go online without using a dial-up ISP or buying a bunch of adapters to trick it into thinking it's connected to dial-up. I like playing old games online. Plus, it's pretty rare and expensive, if I ever get bored of having it I can probably just sell it again. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 16: How much?
>>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 16: For the cost of the adapters and effort you put into it, it's still cheaper than the broadband adapter. Was there a reason the broadband adapter wasn't more popular? >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 17: Is Shenmue 2 better on Xbox or Dreamcast? >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 17: Xbox >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 18: Thanks, man.
I don't know if you're still around but I'll experiment with the lighting a bit and post the result when if It turns out nice. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 19: I bought a dreamcast a couple days ago from a garage sale, my friends and I have been playing nothing but soul calibur since that's the only good game the guy had. He says he's getting some more dreamcast games sometime this friday and to come to his store next week to buy them. But I'm a little bit worried he won't have what games I want or that he'll mark his shit up. So besides buying some games, what are some things I can do with my dreamcast? Does it have any emulators or ways to mod it so it can play pirated games?
I don't want a $40 paper weight. Also mildly off topic but how is phantasy star online on dreamcast? Are the servers still online too? >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 19: Oh one more thing, are there any memory substitutes for the dreamcast? Soul Calibur keeps talking about requiring a VMU but won't that be mildly expensive? >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 19: I got a new-in-box Sega VMU for $5 on Amazon last year.
They're easily available and super cheap, but the batteries run out in like three days. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 19: Oh okay. If the batteries run out, do the games just not save anymore? >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 19: The memory card function is independent of the batteries. They only power the VMU for stand-alone features like downloadable minigames on the LCD screen. So in other words, practically useless. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 19: Dreamcast has many different emulators and homebrew games.
The NES and SMS ones are the best. It has Mega Drive and SNES emulators too but they're not so great. The great thing about the Dreamcast is that you can play pirated games on it without modding. Just download the game and burn it to a disc. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 19: Simple, nobody had DSL back then. It wasn't even available in my area (in the middle of silicon valley) until 2003. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 20: Yeah, that's the one.
If anybody is going to buy one there is a duplicate listing priced in Euros that ends up being a couple bucks cheaper due to the exchange rate (even after paypal's conversion rate). >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 20: There are plenty of memory cards that handle saves but don't have a screen and hold a lot more. VMU's aren't expensive though. Only the batteries.
I had broadband in the late 90's, like everyone else I know. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 20: This is a different one, you just plug in a phone line from your Dreamcast to a phone line thinger (assuming you have a landline) and then set up the config in the web browser to a free dial up service. May not work for bba games, never looked into it too much. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 21: Does anybody else here actually use their Dreamcast online at all? >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 21: I've had a dreamcast for about a month and I've been exploring the possibility of giving Phantasy Star Online a go. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 21: Somebody should try and arrange a /vr/ PSO game. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 15 22: Not him but can I just use like a regular dvd-r from staples or some shit?
Somebody was talking about certain cds wearing the lasers out. >>Anonymous Thu Apr 16 00: I do but not much. PSO every so often.
>>Anonymous Thu Apr 16 00: I've been trying out Illbleed and it's pretty neat, but I'm confused. What are the controls? I keep running around getting hit by traps, what am I supposed to do? >>Anonymous Thu Apr 16 01: use R to bring up the horror monitor and A to mark something you can only mark something when it zooms in if you're confused, go to the cemetery like the guy in the opening tells you and read the tutorial again >>Anonymous Thu Apr 16 01: I have 3 cable for my dreamcast: scart RGB, fake scart diamond (which is just an S-video cable) and a VGA box. The problem is that almost all NTSC games for dreamcast don't work with the RGB scart cable, isn't there any way to patch the iso? >>Anonymous Thu Apr 16 02: PAL console with RGB scart cable here and I never run into any problems with games of any region flat out refusing to work. I do get issues when I try to force 60Hz.
>>Anonymous Thu Apr 16 02: After 10 minutes dynamite cop make the dreamcast to reset with RGB scart. This doesn't happen with other cables. >>Anonymous Thu Apr 16 14: Xbox overall I'd say. Fine details look better on DC because there's no bullshit vaseline lens quincux filter, and sometimes the mip bias on Xbox is a little shorter. The bloom effect added on Xbox improves nighttime scenes.
DC version suffers occasional severe framerate drops during exploration, and the pedestrian draw distance can be very short- both those issues are resolved on Xbox. Of course the game looks great on either system.
The big thing is language. The game loses much of the kung-fu film charm without the camp American voice acting. And if you're playing S2 after the original, the continuity is a little fucked as the spoken language goes from English to Japanese. Didn't get DSL until 2003, and I was one of the first people I knew with it. Where did you live? >>Anonymous Thu Apr 16 16: We need Shenmue III!!!!!!!
God those two games were so revolutionary >>Anonymous Thu Apr 16 16: Dreamcast Dreamcast Dreamcast It's a million times better subbed than dubbed. >>Anonymous Thu Apr 16 16: It plays better too, and you can transfer your stuff from 1. >>Anonymous Fri Apr 17 13: just play v2 for pc its the same game but without the hassle of buying a bba that costs as much as your DC collection did brand new or the very hedache win 98 bridge adapter shit.
Even gamecube pso emulated on wii that can connect to schtserv is easier than getting a fucking dc online unless you have a save character that you reeeealy wann use and the DC keyboard controller combo goddamn I love the crisp cut keys of the DC keyboard >>Anonymous Fri Apr 17 13: V2? Why not Blue Burst instead? >>Anonymous Fri Apr 17 14: File: 268 KB, 1024x768, scht in the good old 2007-8.jpg [] [] [] [] [] well I assume these guys are in it for the retro feels rather than the game? Ofc bb is the best most superior version with best content and most accesibility but pc v2 is like a 1;1 port of the dc version with less hassle. Even though I'd imagine v2 is so ded it would just be solo online anyway lel kinda wanna play online with DC for the retro feels and keyboard now even though i spent years on BB;w; >sylerant Total Hunters Online: 2 >scht US/spades: 1 Player(s) yea.. >>Anonymous Fri Apr 17 14: File: 8 KB, 493x402, 487.png [] [] [] [] [] I don't like getting rid of my old vidya stuff, but I sold mine not too long ago for $20 since my PC runs nullDC flawlessly. The only game I played anyways was Street Fighter 3 and MvC2.
I'll be damned if it wasn't such an amazing thing to have back in the day though. And no, I'm not new to /vr/, I just felt like I could get rid of the DC as it's the one console I own that gets the least, and I'm talking about a wide margin, amount of use compared to my other consoles. >>Anonymous Fri Apr 17 15: File: 101 KB, 640x625, -00.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Maaaaaaan, Bomberman Online was the bomb! It had a wicked intro and some of the coolest game modes along with their awesomely designed bosses and logos. The story mode consists of beating the bosses' lackeys in their game modes, with each passing level adding complexity to the matches by changing the map layout and adding new features to it.
Reaching the bosses and then fighting them feels really cool. It's the same feeling I got when playing the Mario Party 4 board bosses at their own mini game after you won in their board, except the Bomerman Online bosses can be hard as fuck and have their own unique advantages.
It sucks that it never got the attention it probably deserved. Anyways, here's the intro: >>Anonymous Fri Apr 17 16: lost mine when my house got broken into back in the day. Many years later i repurchased one used from a guy in college who sold them regularly it seems.
It was very cheap. Sadly it was very dirty with nicotine. I cleaned it immediately with alcohole. It also needed that matchstick fix as it was randomly rebooting iirc. Hadn't hear of that happening before, my original unit certainly didn't exhibit such behavior. I expressed my discontent with the merchandise the next day. He offered to exchange for a different one but i said it was fine.
Never used it much though. It's not hooked up but stashed away. Soul calibur 2 and shenmue were really special to me when they came out. >>Anonymous Sat Apr 18 14: File: 1.53 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0205.jpg [] [] [] [] [] get rekt >>Anonymous Sat Apr 18 20: Is this thread emulation friendly or is it all about muh original experience? >>Anonymous Sat Apr 18 21: I want to try out PSO, should I go with version 1 or version 2? What's the difference?
>>Anonymous Sat Apr 18 22: Patches. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 19 01: Does anybody want to try playing PSO together on sylverant? >>Anonymous Sun Apr 19 01: Oh yeah and by the way, here's a patched image of PSOv2 with a bunch of tweaks/optimizations that also auto-connects to Sylverant: >>Anonymous Sun Apr 19 02: how do u burn it do u use overburn >>Anonymous Sun Apr 19 02: ImgBurn with the.cdi plugin. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 19 02: overburn >>Anonymous Sun Apr 19 02: English isn't your first language, is it? >>Anonymous Sun Apr 19 02: yes. I fixed it >>Anonymous Sun Apr 19 04: now thats my aesthetic. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 19 08: Anyone here managed to successfuly hook up an IDE drive to their dreamcast?
>>Anonymous Sun Apr 19 13: Dreamcastbros generally aren't elitists. Even the guys with hardware play ripped games. It's probably the same for any disk based console. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 19 16: It's probably possible, the code to do it doesn't exist though. >>Anonymous Mon Apr 20 09: Just got a pal and ntsc-J system, whats good to play? Tried shenmue, was boring, too much asking cunts dumb shit, didnt see a single fight >>Anonymous Mon Apr 20 10: Armada Metropolis Street Racer Soul Calibur Sword of the Berzerk is alright, but I fucking hate the voice acting in it.
>>Anonymous Mon Apr 20 17: >how is phantasy star online on dreamcast? Are the servers still online too? The official servers aren't, but there are a few private servers. >>Anonymous Mon Apr 20 19: >daily reminder you shouldn't post if you don't know what you're talking about.
>>Anonymous Mon Apr 20 23: there is no software implementation for an IDE drive on the dreamcast available right now unless you write one yourself >>Anonymous Mon Apr 20 23: File: 69 KB, 412x406, Illbleed 1.jpg [] [] [] [] [] DON'T PLAY THIS FUCKING GAME, it sucks. I spent like 3 hours getting through the first level (the hotel baseball one) and the final boss stage (where you're jumping across platforms in the water) is almost impossible because of how poorly designed the game is. I'll push the control stick forward when I want to run, and my character will just walk. This game wasn't meant for platforming either, the jumping is god-awful and feels forced. If the boss's hand knocks you off of the platform, you just get stuck there in the water, and he'll keep hitting you no matter what you try to do. You won't be able to move because you're bleeding so badly, and you'll die. Cool concept, awful, awful execution.
Never been more mad at a game. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 00: DON'T LISTEN TO THIS FUCKING POST, it's awful. It's not perfect, but all you need to do is play by the game's rules. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 00: Disregard this guy, Illbleed has shit gameplay but it is absolutely worth putting up with for how fucking awesome the rest of the game is. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 00: Yeah, no. That platforming section is fucking brutal. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 03: Never figured out how to use the dodge button, eh?
>>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 04: Why do we get N64 hate threads nonstop while this other dogshit console with no games gets a free pass? >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 04: It's only one guy that hate the n64 and heavily shitpost on /vr/. Just like what you are doing now here, it's retro anon, i know that's your main problem.
>>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 04: The fights are easy, it's just the platforming sect. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 04: It's almost like you didn't read how the game plays, or how the controls work or anything >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 07: I know exactly how it works, the platforming level is godawful though >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 08: I bought a Dreamcast in box a while back and I'm just now starting to collect for it. So far I've got both Sonic Adventures, ChuChu rocket, Crazy Taxi, Jet Grind Radio, and Daytona USA. I've got a pretty good list of popular DC games lined up that I plan on buying next, but I'm not particularly well-versed in lesser known titles. Tl;dr reccomend me some hidden gems for Dreamcast that I should pick up.
>>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 08: File: 44 KB, 450x325, console6-noscale.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Hopefully someone here can help me. I bought a NTSC dreamcast for $20 with all cables and 2 controllers. I can't get it to play burned games but it will play music CDs. If I increase the laser intensity. I tried swapping out the laser with a SPU-3200 but apparently they do not match as it does not emit light or read anything. My questions are: 1.
Where do I download quality rips? What is the burning process?
(I'm using IMGburner with the added packs) 3. How do I modify my console or the SPU3200 to get it to work? I just want to join the club. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 09: Dynamite Cop Williams Arcade Hits 1&2 Power Stone Soul Calibur Skies of Arcadia Dino Crisis Special peripherals: Typing of the Dead (requires keyboard controller) Sega Marine Fishing (best with the fishing rod controller) Just avoid the shooting games, because there was never an official light gun, and the third party ones calibrate like absolute ass. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 09: Do you know if the games you burned are self-booting, or if they require you to use a boot disc first? Not all of them will load on their own.
>>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 09: I bought a factory sealed copy of Rez (Pal) for £80 from a charity shop. Did I do good or did I get ripped off? Do you think Dreamcast games will increase in value over time or will the availability of burned games prevent this?
>>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 10: Did it come with the vibrator? >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 10: >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 10: Erm no. But I've learnt something today. Didn't know about this! >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 12: Wasn't it ps2 only? >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 12: It was. At least from what i know.
>>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 12: idk, emuparadise didn't say >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 14: That's where I got my isos from too. Idk if there's a list anywhere that says which are self boot or not, but if you pop it in your DC and it doesn't play, make a boot disc, put it in, then swap your game in when it tells you to. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 14: This may be helpful too. Could be you've got a later revision console, and you're SOL for playing burned games. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 14: Any good light gun games? >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 14: The latest version of dreamshell has support for IDE drives. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 15: See >Just avoid the shooting games, because there was never an official light gun, and the third party ones calibrate like absolute ass.
Besides that, House of the Dead 2 is pretty great. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 15: >implying DC is dead well >implied my son 1. Has all the best rips 2. I had the best results following this: using DiscJuggler 6: Don't burn at 1x.
Burn at at least half your burner's max speed. Dunno >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 17: Ordered this today: Anyone got it? >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 18: Don't you need the SD card adapter to use Dreamshell?
>>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 21: Never played it, but looks pretty good. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 21 23: File: 125 KB, 786x296, dumbass.png [] [] [] [] [] >go to download cdi >see the comments >>Anonymous Wed Apr 22 04: Oh the humanity! >>Anonymous Wed Apr 22 04: >Just avoid the shooting games, because there was never an official light gun, There is, I have it and it works great for HotD 2 and Confidential mission on my CRT. Looks like it wasn't released in the US though.
>>Anonymous Wed Apr 22 04: How? >>Anonymous Wed Apr 22 07: Jeebus.
Posting bullshit is bad enough but quoting bullshit as fact is just too much. They work great. So do all the third party ones I have. Not sure what that guy was smoking.
Playing hotd without a light gun is retarded but lets face it, the real entertainment is all in the cut scenes. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 22 13: >>Anonymous Wed Apr 22 16: hey PSO is pretty fun >>Anonymous Wed Apr 22 20: damn that's coming along nicely >>Anonymous Thu Apr 23 06: File: 134 KB, 621x639, rip best days.jpg [] [] [] [] [] If you like playing alone it is;w; 2007 vs right now thanks lee and crono you faggots. Schthack would be ashamed. Publish his server code now you killed it cunts. >>Anonymous Thu Apr 23 07: casual >>Anonymous Thu Apr 23 07: I'm not playing on SCHTHACK, apparently there's not much support for DC players and there was some drama with an admin selling items to players a while back. I play on Sylverant. I'm definitely not alone, there seems to be a tightly knit group of players, and I'm fine with that.
>>Anonymous Thu Apr 23 09: Any recommended programs out there I can use to force my PAL DC to play overseas games at the recommended 60hz? I'd prefer not to attempt to fit a switch and mess about with the hardware.
>>gamerjay Thu Apr 23 21: is this a good genisis emulator >>Anonymous Thu Apr 23 21: Are you sure it doesn't? Since some games let you switch between 50hz/60hz, i think this would depend on the game, not the hardware. >>Anonymous Thu Apr 23 23: And here I was thinking we only have a few more years before Dreamcast games are rendered unplayable on aged GD-ROM drives. >>Anonymous Fri Apr 24 03: PAL games always ask if you want to run at 50 or 60 before they start, but since I'm running overseas games it assumes you're running at 60 and doesn't ask you, but of course the Dreamcast boots up in the native 50hz. I'm not completely certain, but when it run Last Blade and Garou they have massive boarders and seem slightly slow, so I would say so. >>Anonymous Fri Apr 24 03: There's an utility that let you switch bios, if you choose the NTSC bios you will have always 60hz.
>>Anonymous Fri Apr 24 03: It should be this one >>Anonymous Fri Apr 24 04: It's not hardware, on the dreamcast is entirely software. >>Anonymous Fri Apr 24 04: Thanks, I'll try that later on. >>Anonymous Fri Apr 24 04: >tfw the ReviveDC Ikaruga download doesn't work fuck >>Anonymous Fri Apr 24 09: >blur filters >a master piece It's not like you can upscale a psx game >>Anonymous Fri Apr 24 21: I wish the dreamcast controller has a second stick for camera control. >>Anonymous Fri Apr 24 23: This. If the Dreamcast controller had a second analog stick I'd probably use it for everything possible for my PC.
I don't know what exactly it is about the Dreamcast controller that I like so much but I think it's my favorite controller. >>Anonymous Fri Apr 24 23: I got it to work just fine. >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 01: I really like the design of it. It looks futuristic yet modern (for its time) >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 05: Isn't it basically a re-imagining of the Analog Saturn controller? >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 05: The dpad is way better on the Saturn 3D pad. >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 05: Fuck yeahhhh, got one of these from my neighbor when they were about a year old or so, he had me pull foxtails in his yard for a few hours and he gave me the Dreamcast, 2 controllers, 2 VMU's, and every single dreamcast game on copied disks, around 600 disks or so including all games, some alphas, emulators, imported games that didnt exist in the states yet or ever, fucking loved that console.
He also gave me a playstation and a genesis, but he considered those garbage so they were free. >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 05: Possibly, but I meant in the general layout of the controller. The rectangular shape with rounded sides, the position of the analog and the d-pad. >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 06: Any suggestions for good games to play with the Dreamcast arcade stick? Besides fighting games, I mean, since I'm full up on those.
>>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 07: You could always use it for shmups too. I know that I'm always better at those at the arcades than at home with a dpad or thumb stick.
>>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 07: File: 123 KB, 1200x900, web browser.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Thank you for the fap material, Dreamcast. >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 17: It still doesn't for me. Care to reupload for a needy anon? >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 17: >meet new friend at school >has this newfangled thing call a dreamcast and an internet connection >go to his house, he whips this cd out >my entire life changed in 15 minutes >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 18: File: 699 KB, 850x1212, image.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Loved introducing folk to the sequel to this.
Never found anyone who didn't enjoy playing it, still a bit puzzled it never gets that much love, never mind a rerelease. >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 22: Just beat Illbleed. Pretty neat game. I was the person who wrote. The first level is by far the most difficult, but it gets a lot more interesting and lenient as you go on.
>>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 22: I just realized that the only thing I have used my optical drive in my PC for in the last like two years has been for burning Dreamcast games. Just finished moving, going to set her up tonight with my VGA cable and get some Rayman 2 on for old time's sake.
If any of you guys have the chance, Rayman 2 on a VGA adapter at 480p in widescreen (one of the few games that supports it) is absolutely gorgeous. Probably the best looking game on the system from an artistic standpoint. If it weren't for the little things here and there (rough edges on models, some chunky level sprites) at a glance it could easily pass for a modern game. >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 22: I don't have the files anymore. I most likely downloaded it from theisozone. >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 22: Thanks for sticking with it.
The first level *is* the hardest, it's a terrible introduction to the game. In spite of its flawed mechanics, it's so crazy I just feel like it's worth experiencing. >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 23: Its a shame that Snatcher, Policenauts, Castlevania, Shining Force, and Megaman never made it to the Dreamcast >>Anonymous Sat Apr 25 23: Imagine if we would have gotten a Shining Force game on the Dreamcast that was as good as Shining Force 3 was on the Saturn.
I doubt Capcom would have given the DC a new 2D Megaman, but it would have been nice to have seen a port of Legends. CastleVania Resurrection was supposed to be sorta mediocre, but a 2.5D sidescroller like Dracula X Chronicles on the PSP would have been amazing I think.
If we ever find a way to successfully travel between alternate dimensions and I have access to it I think finding the Earth where the Dreamcast was successful and lasted until the 2004-2005ish new console generation and bringing those games back to our dimension would be a pretty good usage of the technology. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 26 00: That's the exact one that doesn't work, apparently it's a problem with the download site. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 26 00: It was re-released on the PSP and allowed you to play Kraken and Valgas in PS2 and all 4 of the people from PS2 on PS1 >>Anonymous Sun Apr 26 20: BUMP to save this promising thread. >>Anonymous Sun Apr 26 20: For burned games, try find DCRES releases.
They were pretty good rips. I use to get them from segahub, but that place isn't too active any more. >>Anonymous Mon Apr 27 07: I just read about the Dreamcast region changer. I have a PAL dreamcast, but play mostly japanese games, which have the black bars across the top and bottom. Would setting the signal to NTSC with the region changer fix that?
>>Anonymous Mon Apr 27 14: Interesting fact - I have taken a shit in 24 different DreamCasts. When you consider Sega only managed to sell 34 that is quite something. >>Anonymous Mon Apr 27 20: Yes, so long as your TV supports NTSC or you happen to have an NTSC TV laying around. >>Anonymous Mon Apr 27 23: Is there a decent master torrent for Dreamcast? All I can find is one-seeder ones. >>Anonymous Tue Apr 28 10: Just found my old dreamcast in my garage it doesnt have any controllers though so I shall have to buy some, I remember reading about that you can pirate games easily for it is it just burning games onto to blank CDs?
If so that would save me a lot of money >>Anonymous Tue Apr 28 19: I just booted up my DC for the first time in a while and downloaded RE:CV but every single FMV freezes and I have to skip it. Should I just burn the CD again? >>Anonymous Tue Apr 28 22: >is it just burning games onto to blank CDs Pretty much yes. You need to use 'special' software to burn it correctly, be it Padus Discjuggler or IsoBurn (I think) with special plugins, but yes, you just use one of those and you can burn the game onto a normal CD-R and just play it in your unmodified Dreamcast. There are some exceptions to this, but 99% of the time it's this easy.
>>Anonymous Tue Apr 28 22: >Ah, you've made a short film? Interesting, and a bit impressive, mind sharing it with us? Is the type of response you're fishing for >>Anonymous Tue Apr 28 22: no, it probably actually isn't >>Kya!kDashing02 Tue Apr 28 23: >You need to use 'special' software to burn it correctly, be it Padus Discjuggler or IsoBurn (I think) with special plugins Alcohol120 has worked fine for me, no special plugins needed.
>>Anonymous Wed Apr 29 00: For playing PSO, what are the different options? And which is the best one for cost and content?
It looks like it's BB, but are there any advantages to the other options? If so, what are they? >>Anonymous Wed Apr 29 08: Burn, if you enjoy it, buy the actual thing to get hands on with the real hardware.
I'd also suggest a rumble pack for the controller, it was much stronger than the week gimped ones we use today to conserve power. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 29 12: thanks >>Anonymous Wed Apr 29 19: Buying a Dreamcast next week with EGG, Skies of Arcadia, Sonic Adventure 2, Shenmue, and Super Magnetic Neo.
Hopefully everything goes smooth. >>Anonymous Wed Apr 29 20: File: 31 KB, 640x442, 1-14-2015 5-57-05 AM.jpg [] [] [] [] [] any body here every play lack of love? What do you think of it? Personally i love it >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 13: I have it:) Great game. I have to play it again soon >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 13: Does anyone have the revive DC english translated.iso of Fire Pro Wrestling D? The download link on isozone is not working >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 14: This is the version of the game I'm talking about. >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 17: File: 306 KB, 1600x1175, $_57.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Sup nigs.
I have this VGA adapter that's basically a cleaner 480p when it runs on my Visio flat screen plasma but my friend runs his Dreamcast at 1080p on a TV that's lower quality then mine. Does anyone know which brand makes the best quality VGA box or knows one that runs better than MadCat or Sega official VGAs? >>Kya!kDashing02 Thu Apr 30 17: >runs better The best thing you can do is get one that is properly and well shielded. The cable does very little when it comes to actually outputting the signal; It just connects the correct pins the put the Dreamcast into VGA mode. If you're looking for something high end, I'v heard good things about the Kuro. >>Kya!kDashing02 Thu Apr 30 17: >outputting the signal Creating, rather >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 18: Thanks bruh >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 21: File: 93 KB, 603x600, 9427_front.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Is it true this is the worst version of 3rd Strike because of changes? Do these changes matter if I don't play competitively?
I'm asking because I would like to play this game because I've heard great things about it and also for the simple fact that I already have the DC arcade stick. >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 21: >my friend runs his Dreamcast at 1080p Sounds like he's using an upscaler. Dreamcast supports 480p natively, although not all games support it. >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 21: As I understand its not Arcade-perfect in timing, but if you don't care, why does that matter? Garou isn't Arcade-perfect either. I still played the ever-loving shit out of it on the DC for years.
>>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 21: Or using an emulator? >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 22: I guess it doesn't matter then. >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 22: File: 94 KB, 717x723, 082.jpg [] [] [] [] [] I really doubt that anon failed to realize his friend was emulating Dreamcast rather than using a real one.
>>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 22: better play ps2 version that comes in 15th anniversary collection >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 22: Virtua fucking Tennis >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 22: Tennis 2kfucking2. >The girls being much worse than men is just realistic! >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 22: Eh, he may not have a PS2, modded or otherwise, or a good controller for it.
Might as well enjoy the game. The PS2 games may also have funky timing. Garou's input timing is absurdly fast. Like, stupid fast. Try to get Butt's button-mash super at max level, or B.Jenet's Just-Defend super out reliably.
>>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 22: I can't imagine the web browser to still be compatible with anything at this point. The only thing I ever used it for back in the day was to download complete saves for fighting games off of GameFAQs.
Do they still even have DC saves available? >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 22: im talking about that version because it has everything fixed and the music has new full versions or something like that I didnt play it in years >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 22: Meh, I'd rather play Cosmic Smash.
>>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 22: pls respond >>Anonymous Thu Apr 30 23: File: 754 KB, 1530x1529, photo 4.jpg [] [] [] [] [] my baby >>Anonymous Fri May 1 10: File: 2.72 MB, 517x384, 332.gif [] [] [] [] [] Jesus FUCK Zodick scared the living shit out of me as a kid Then again horror games made me piss my pants in general so no surprise >>Anonymous Fri May 1 10: File: 47 KB, 552x499, 998.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Because simply calling something shit and not even wanting to explain why is what a child does. Now tell me, are you a child, anon? If so, gb2 /v/. >>Anonymous Fri May 1 21: File: 968 KB, 1500x1125, 1396.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Here's some OC >>Anonymous Fri May 1 21: >eloquently justify your hatred of a game to post about it Well isn't that something that you would expect from an intelligent human being? >>Anonymous Sat May 2 14: File: 35 KB, 480x640, 1063_255544599_n.jpg [] [] [] [] [] My wife. We've been married since 2003. >>Anonymous Sat May 2 18: the struggle of being a dreamcast.
>>Anonymous Sun May 3 04: File: 178 KB, 800x600, pso.jpg [] [] [] [] [] pso v1/v2 are the first runs of pso, v2 patches some bugs and adds battle mode. They exist on DC and PC they are compatible play wise online, fue people play. Pso episode 1/2 is for gamecube and xbox it adds new levels and items ontop of what is in v1/2 like and expansion. Episode 1/2+ is the same thing basically. Game cube can still connect online, and also be emulated through dolphin to connect online. Xbox required xboxlive services and is not online as of current.
Pso ep 4 (yes 4, ep3 was a card game for GC) also known as pso:bb (blue burst) was a pc release in 2004/5 features everything from v1/2 episode 1/2 and then a further expansion with more levels and items. The save data will be out of your hands unlike the console versions. Has the most active communities, albeit the best days are gone, and there is now a fractured community accross several servers with varying pros and cons. Easiest to set up, free to play, runs on low spec pc, digital only dreamcast can be a pain to get online with the 56k modem dialup, ala google, unless you have a BBA, and there a fue to none players online for v2, you can use the v2 PC version for the same game, although the hard core original feels of using DC with keyboard on real hardware is lost. GC is ded too but mildly easier to get online than DC, only schthack supports GC IIRC fue players can mean very nice players tho. BB best days are gone, but is easiest to play, has the most content and players, your save file will never be yours, and you can get banned.
>>Anonymous Sun May 3 04: File: 16 KB, 425x265, 89.jpg [] [] [] [] [] I was reading this thread, as im interested in DC netcode and the servers that no longer exist and none has packet data for;w; >the 'architecture documentation', you're referring to that rather large piece (400 or so pages, IIRC) of confidential Sega documentation on the console that has been floating around for years? What what what??? Does anyone have this or know where i can find it ive been googling for 2 hours and no luck really.
Also do you think they should have bothered with the VMU? I mean being playable >>Anonymous Sun May 3 10: Truth, a digital rerelease and sequal is needed.
Being on the DC and PSP did not give this game a fair shake. >>Anonymous Sun May 3 11: >non-white console waifu Absolutely degenerate. I miss Rainbow Six and Code Veronica with the rumble pack. >>Anonymous Sun May 3 20: getting a dreamcast soon. Whats the first game i should get?
>>Anonymous Sun May 3 21: Crazy Taxi >>Anonymous Sun May 3 22: found it >>Anonymous Sun May 3 22: also this siteis great 円.webs円.com/dreamcast >>Anonymous Sun May 3 23: this is going to sound like a really dumb question but. Is it worth buying shenmue? How well does it hold up? >>Anonymous Sun May 3 23: File: 1.02 MB, 3264x2448, 836.jpg [] [] [] [] [] yes. Do you have a reason not to buy it? How can you miss out on the most amazing game of the last 20 years?
F.R.E.E was amazing for its time like everything about the dreamcast it was way ahead of its time. Also shenmue 2!! You can convert your NTSC save to pal to use in shenmue 2 and continue your save file shenmue2 is pal only on DC or JP) consider buying pal shenmue one to save having to convert the save.
You can always emulate it or just burn a gimped iso of it if you wanna test it or just watch this promo video DC ahead of its time. Windows CE for easy porting, got stolen by xbox (directX) first utilisation of motion controllers for boxing, stolen by Wii online gaming out the box >>Anonymous Mon May 4 02: Which Dreamcast games have the best replayability? I think I'll give another shot at trying to fix one of my two dead DCs (GD-ROM drive not reading discs).
>>Anonymous Mon May 4 16: File: 326 KB, 1440x833, 4L_lx4tNjjw.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Where the fuck do I buy one of these? All I can find are sketchy chinese sellers with a 10 week delivery time. >>Anonymous Mon May 4 22: Power Stone 1 and 2. Glorious, but only if you can find friends that also enjoy fun. >>Anonymous Mon May 4 23: My nigga.
Favorite game series to this day. >>Anonymous Tue May 5 02: Not sure if this is where I ask but how much should I pay for a Dreamcast + controller? Saw one for $100, is that worth it or should I keep looking? >>Anonymous Tue May 5 02: Look to pay around $30. >>Anonymous Tue May 5 03: This is because scht's BB account registration has been broken for literally years with no fix in sight.
>>Anonymous Tue May 5 03: Way too much. Should be >$50. >>Anonymous Tue May 5 03: that's the greater than sign you idiot >>Anonymous Tue May 5 03: Okay thanks, and what about a light gun? How much should I be paying for one?
Planning to play some of the games that I loved playing in the arcade as a kid like House of the Dead 2 and virtua cop 2 >>Anonymous Tue May 5 22: I've been trying to download ReviveDC's ChuChu Rocket from theisozone today and for whatever reason the download won't start. Can anyone give me a hand as to what is going on or another place I can get games? >>Kya!kDashing02 Tue May 5 22: emuparadise? >>Anonymous Tue May 5 22: Game rec: Jet Set Radio Soul Calibur Project Justice Shenmue Sonic Adventure 2 Marvel vs.
Capcom 2 Crazy Taxi Street Fighter III 3rd Strike That's it everything else is shit >>Anonymous Tue May 5 22: oops forgot Power Stone and get the 2nd if you have friends >who has those though >>Anonymous Tue May 5 22: both were $299 on release day >>Anonymous Wed May 6 00: File: 520 KB, 1732x1155, original.jpg [] [] [] [] [] What are some fun Dreamcast games to play with friends over? I don't care if they're coop or not, I just want fun multiplayer. >>Anonymous Wed May 6 00: as much as I love the dreamcast, I wish I didn't have to deal with the system clock and VMU BEEP from a dead battery on startup. >>Anonymous Wed May 6 00: The VMU isn't supposed to beep? >>Anonymous Wed May 6 01: Nope, the beep indicates dead batteries and VMUs have a two-day battery life off two watch batteries.
>>Anonymous Wed May 6 01: jus 4 u >>Anonymous Wed May 6 01: File: 35 KB, 600x600, pizza dog.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >Anonymous Wed May 6 01: >Spawn: In the Demon's Hand camera can get annoying but the gameplay is good enough to overlook that tiny flaw. Also, for some reason nobody wanted to play Army Men on Dreamcast. >>Anonymous Wed May 6 13: got mine from china XCKDIY years back, only 2 weeks in the post £15 worked prefect, no idea where it is now, same for the DC haha that serial port connectore loooks loose like shit? >>Anonymous Wed May 6 13: fuck you crono, you never deserved to get the mighty schthacks server code. Wonder where that french smurf is.
>>Anonymous Wed May 6 21: Which version of the Dreamcast are copy-protected, and how do I identify them? >>Kya!kDashing02 Wed May 6 21: Flip it over. If you see a 0 or a 1 in a circle, you're good. For manufacture dates, I believe August 2000 is the latest you can be sure of having a MilCD compatible model(capable of playing backups). September/October is where they changed it.
>>Anonymous Wed May 6 21: Are special edition consoles included in this rule? For instance, Sakura Taisen bundles or Hello Kitty bundles also able to play CD-Rs? >>Anonymous Wed May 6 22: possibly, idk, but what you should be doing id running DreamshellOS and loading your games from SD card or hard drive Works on all Dreamcast models >>Anonymous Wed May 6 22: Why are convenient things like this inexistant for the Saturn? I'll consider getting this when I get a Dreamcast. >>Anonymous Wed May 6 22: because the Saturn is insanely hard to program for. Very much in contrast to the Dreamcast which is basically a PC/Arcade hybrid >>Kya!kDashing02 Wed May 6 22: Compatibility is a bit hit or miss with that though, isn't it?
>>Anonymous Wed May 6 22: afaik yes. Though generally PC games and SEGA Naomi arcade games are easy to port over to Dreamcast while the Saturn is weird and complex (and not very powerful) and porting to it is harder than a pedophile at recess >>Anonymous Wed May 6 22: Oh wait, you meant compatibility with DreamshellOS. My bad XD Yeah, some games work and others don't, but it is in active development, and compatibility is getting better with each new release >>Anonymous Wed May 6 23: every time I see Dreamcast being mentioned, my head flows with memories of posting stuff on and then Dreamcast-Talk.
I fucking miss you guys, too bad I can't enjoy forums the same way anymore because 4chan ruined my common sense. >>Anonymous Thu May 7 01: File: 843 KB, 980x624, 2015-05-07 - 01.14.22 ~ capture.png [] [] [] [] [] Has anybody here played through Elemental Gimmick Gear? I'm in Fogna B1F (after the whole metal heaven thing where you beat that gang leader) and, according to every walkthrough and video I've seen, I'm supposed to just walk through the door on the right seen in the picture. But the water keeps pushing me back and preventing me from going through. In the walkthrough videos online, people just walk right through it. Am I doing something wrong? >>Anonymous Thu May 7 01: nevermind I just figured it out, have to talk to a scientist at a lab >>Anonymous Thu May 7 14: File: 348 KB, 1115x1173, pal dreamcast colour scheme.jpg [] [] [] [] [] if you happened to frequent the IRC on dreamcast back in the day, have a look over here godfuckingdamn there was always drama on the internet.
Been reading though for a fue days now lol based archive of dreamcast feels from 15 years ago. On a side note PAL REGION COLOUR SCHEME WAS BEST DREAMCAST COLOUR SCHEME. >>Anonymous Thu May 7 14: >godfuckingdamn there was always drama on the internet Leave it to /vr/ to romanticize the past and think everything was perfect in the '90s >>Anonymous Thu May 7 14: >>godfuckingdamn there was always drama on the internet. >people didn't have a massive and total shift in personality in the span of 10-20 years WOW WHAT A STARTLING REVELATION MR SCIENTIST fucking nostalgiafags >>Anonymous Thu May 7 14: WOW I BET IT WAS YOU GUYS THAT CAUSED THE TROUBLE BACK THEN ALSO YOU FUCKERS! >>Anonymous Thu May 7 14: YEAH AND BACK IN THE 90S VIDEO GAME DIDNT CARE ABOUT PROFIT THE ONLY REASON THEY CHARGED PEOPLE WAS BECAUSE IT COST MONEY TO MAKE THE GAME THEY DONATED ALL OF THEIR PROFIT TO CHARITIES FOR JOBLESS AUTISTS SO THEY CAN PLAY THEIR VIDEO GAMES ALL DAY Man, I miss the 90's. >>Anonymous Thu May 7 14: Yea, I read that you're not so smart article that proves most of your good memories are actually made up fabrications. >>Anonymous Thu May 7 14: >you're not so Fixd for clarification.
>>Anonymous Thu May 7 14: leave my nostalgia out of this. >>Anonymous Thu May 7 14: most memorable Dreamcast fansite to me was the UK Resistance >>Nonya Thu May 7 15: Get a load of these buttblasted angry fucks! >>Anonymous Thu May 7 16: everyone needs to read this one >>Anonymous Thu May 7 20: the blue swirl would look dope if the system itself was black imo >>Anonymous Thu May 7 20: File: 1.54 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140.jpg [] [] [] [] [] sorry guys, cant login to the 4chan gold pass for some reason;w; 2001 javascript doesnt load capcha not sent from my dreamcast. Dreamkey 3.0 dial up PAL master race.
Have to run it caseless or i get the random reset, no its not the power connectors, the magnetic coil or one of the capasitors near it overheats and resets. >>Anonymous Thu May 7 20: File: 49 KB, 600x574, airbrush-design-sega-dreamcast-shenmue_g.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Nah man it would look stupid, like this.
>>Anonymous Thu May 7 20: File: 622 KB, 1920x1080, skies0044.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >tfw PAL Skies of Arcadia doesn't work with a VGA cable Fucking 50hz. >>Anonymous Thu May 7 21: File: 679 KB, 1080x1449, dreamcast advert 4.jpg [] [] [] [] [] I always found it to make sense.
Sega's logo was blue, the logo for the Dreamcast was also Blue. >>Anonymous Thu May 7 22: is there a mega torrent of complete dreamcast games including japanese rips anywhere?
I remember one anon dling a 525gb DC torrent >>Anonymous Thu May 7 23: Very unfortunate, but I know the US version works with Dreamshell RC3. And that does VGA. >>Anonymous Fri May 8 00: File: 1001 KB, 1920x1080, skies0041.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Yeah, and I completed the Pal version, so I had to play the SLOWEST version of one of the slowest RPG battles ever, took me like 66 hours to play. Still, I didn't hate it. Hell if it were longer I'd be even happier. >>Anonymous Fri May 8 00: I still recommend trying the US version in Dreamshell, however, if you can, you might want to consider playing the GameCube version on a GameCube or Wii (or a modded WiiU if you want HDMI) It has higher resolution character models for Vyse and Aika that look freaking beautiful, and it has no slowdown whatsoever. >>Anonymous Fri May 8 00: File: 1.08 MB, 1360x768, The fucked up skies of arcadia.png [] [] [] [] [] Yeah, I own Legends as well.
I haven't played it since Skies is still fresh in my head, but I'm thinking of emulating it since I've looked at it on GC and it runs much better than NullDC. (Pic related for NullDC) Seriously, if they would just fix the music the GC version would be my personal favourite over the DC version. >>Anonymous Fri May 8 00: yeah I don't blame you, the music has taken a small hit to squeeze it all on one disc, but I still consider it to be the definitive version. It looks absolutely amazing on WiiU, even better than VGA or component. >>Anonymous Fri May 8 00: File: 1.95 MB, 1360x768, soa 20.png [] [] [] [] [] Oh damn, I never thought of using the Wii U for Skies, I should hack mine one day.
Or maybe Sega will do a HD edition for all the consoles and PC. I'd buy every version if they did that. I don't care if it would be something like £150 down the drain, I'd fucking do it. >>Anonymous Fri May 8 01: So, ok, serious theory here. Vyse is gay, but he doesn't really know it. I know that JRPGs have a puritanical streak that would preclude any romantic tension whatsoever between him and the two female leads. But Aika and Fina are portrayed in such a diametric way (Aika boistrous, extroverted and street smart; Fina reserved, modest and book smart) and their group dynamic is so co-operative and friendly with often times a surprising amount of intimacy between them.
Vyse is energetic and forward with other Blue Rogues and male party members (Drachma isn't quite a father figure, but he clearly thinks highly of). I think it's subtle, but honestly think Vyse is gay and has yet to realize it. He has a lot of sexual energy (being 17) that just turns into ambition and tireless, dogged pursuit.
Aika and him have spent a lot of time together.alone.were they normal, healthy teens they would have experimented numerous times over the years. But it's very clear they haven't. >>Anonymous Fri May 8 02: No anon, I think you're gay. >>Anonymous Fri May 8 08: The only pieces of pie that I miss from the 90's are straight-through lagless analog and games that required pixel precise input from the player in order to beat most, if not all, games.
>>Anonymous Fri May 8 08: you might be on to something >>Anonymous Fri May 8 09: This reminds me I need to both look up a burning guide AND find a good release so I can play this past the first few hours. Same with Skies of Arcadia. >>Anonymous Fri May 8 09: This needs to be made into a wallpaper. >>Anonymous Fri May 8 10: >>Anonymous Fri May 8 13: File: 220 KB, 1600x1200, mms_picture (4).jpg [] [] [] [] [] You should, it's totally worth it.
Sadly the WiiU itself can't be hacked, but the Wii virtual machine can be loaded with the Homebrew Channel to play Wii and GameCube games region-free and from a USB hard drive, using a GC controller, Wii Classic controller, WiiU Pro Controller, PS3 controller, and I think a few others. As far as Skies of Arcadia is concerned, it looks beautiful and has basically no loading screens whatsoever (and also no lag or slowdown) Very much in contrast to using DreamshellOS on Dreamcast which has some painfully slow loading screens thanks to the ancient serial port, and a bit of slowdown (mainly during airship battles) due to the DC being uber slow. WiiU rendering 480p >>Anonymous Fri May 8 21: File: 451 KB, 643x516, My_Black_DC.png [] [] [] [] [] wtf are you talking about >>Anonymous Fri May 8 21: Anyone have any clue as how long it should normally take to make an initial Seaman save file?
My system has been saving for over 30min now I think. >>Anonymous Sat May 9 02: File: 47 KB, 560x375, oink.jpg [] [] [] [] [] thanks for proving that. >orange swirl >sticker peeling off bet it looks great with the white controller plugged in! >>Anonymous Sat May 9 02: the fuck is that supposed to mean? >>Anonymous Sat May 9 02: I love Illbleed, but it's totally a niche game.
Hard to find, hard to play, but it's definitely got a special kind of badness that makes me smile. It's also kinda fucked up. Not a recommendation for everyone, but I love it. >>Anonymous Sat May 9 12: 1. A console is not even Alive 2. That guy isn't even actually white. He is likely a mestizo.
>>Anonymous Sat May 9 13: its a broadband adapter that supports 2 (two!) online games, namely Quake 3 arena and Phantasy star online. Although these games natively support dial up modem also. PAL 33.6 kbs master race here >>Anonymous Sat May 9 15: File: 248 KB, 1024x1275, The Ancient Prince.jpg [] [] [] [] [] I still get them feels. >>Anonymous Sat May 9 15: non-white console waifu regardless, you can't dispute that. >>Anonymous Sat May 9 15: My favorite game for the Dreamcast is Rez.
That game was trippy but it was an amazing experience. >>Anonymous Sat May 9 16: File: 137 KB, 293x282, JB STOP.png [] [] [] [] [] Yes, the console is not white, but its still NOT alive, therefore you can't marry it. Neither of them are white anyway. Stop pushing race into everything, you assbag. >>Anonymous Sat May 9 16: Report and ignore /pol/shit. >>Anonymous Sat May 9 16: Just bought a dreamcast from the flea market today.
I can't seem to get any picture from when I turn it on at all on any of the tv's settings. Should I just take it back or am I doing something wrong? >>Anonymous Sat May 9 16: Never mind, I changed tv's. It's fine now.
>>Anonymous Sun May 10 18: My god you're such an idiot. I'm saying If they designed the system to be black from the get-go with a blue swirl that would look good. >>Anonymous Sun May 10 19: I figure I'll ask here before I make a thread. I jut completed Hero story on Sonic Adventure 2, shut of my Dreamcast and got food, came back to start Dark, and it won't detect my save.
I can go to the VMU menu and see it sitting there, but when I get to the load file screen of the game, it just says 'New File'. Does anyone know how to remedy this? Google was not helpful.
>>Anonymous Sun May 10 20: You're save file is corrupt. Download the.ISO for DreamVMU Explorer and burn it to CD at 4x. It's got save files for basically everything, and for Sonic Adventure 2, it has several 100% saves as well as all the DLC from back when the servers were alive. Install it to the VMU (and defrag if you'd like.
Then restart with Sonic Adventure 2. Here's the link. >>Anonymous Mon May 11 07: Is that Sonic? >>Anonymous Mon May 11 23: Is the Dreamcast mouse an optical or trackball? Pls respond >>Anonymous Tue May 12 00: trackball >>Anonymous Tue May 12 01: heavy metal geomatrix >>Anonymous Tue May 12 01: How's SDISO through Dreamshell nowadays? Last time I tried it, Soul Caliber refused to work past the character select screen.
>>Anonymous Tue May 12 02: That's a good question. I know Soul Calibur doesn't work with RC2, but I haven't tried RC3. I'm mostly holding out for RC4 since it's well on it's way, but overall, SDISO loading has come a very long way and works a lot better now than it did just 2 years ago. >>Anonymous Tue May 12 09: There's also GDEmu which seems to be pretty good, but it may be a little harder to get your hands on.
>>Anonymous Tue May 12 23: I know about GDemu, but I'm not interested in it cause my main and backup Dreamcast disc drives are fine and probably will be for another 10 years, if not 5 at the minimum. I was just curious how SDISO development has come along >>Anonymous Wed May 13 15: File: 760 KB, 882x673, DSOS.png [] [] [] [] [] DreamshellOS needs some work, but it's coming along, this new release in particular (RC4) focuses on WindowsCE games. I'm curious to see how it turns out. My GDROM drive is dying on me, so I'd really like to get one of those GDEmu devices, but ofc, no money, and no preorders at this time >>Anonymous Thu May 14 03: apparently Dreamshell has IDE HDD drivers written in it and only within the last year has a way to wire in a sata to IDE interface to the dreamcast been popularized >>Anonymous Thu May 14 05: What are some good multiplayer Dreamcast games? >>Anonymous Thu May 14 21: >having only one backup It's not a Saturn drive babe It does.
Not fun to do and doesn't add much. A box of ¥500 consoles is a better option. >>Anonymous Thu May 14 21: eh, it's not like Dreamcasts are super expensive or something >>Anonymous Fri May 15 01: Yeah. They're about ¥500. Guess you should have read the whole post. >>Anonymous Fri May 15 03: >Yen >>Anonymous Sat May 16 02: This thread lasted about as long as the dreamcast did on release;w; >>Anonymous Sat May 16 02: File: 117 KB, 1024x768, 1997-maken-x-005-vsmtp.jpg [] [] [] [] [] I can't believe how many hidden gems I'm discovering for it. >>Anonymous Sat May 16 10: The dreamcast lasted longer in Asia FYI.
>>Anonymous Sat May 16 10: i got this froma guy over the internet didn't understand a word of it but my mate is a mad atlus and megami tensei fan so i gave it to him >>Anonymous Sat May 16 11: >the GD-ROM is the worst part. It sounds like a robot is trying to break out of it. How do you know a robot isn't trying to break out? Have you checked inside? What do we really know about Sega anyway?
Have you ever seen Sega and Hitler in the same room together? There could be Nazi robots in every Dreamcast in the world, just waiting for an activation command. Maybe in the form of a Shenmue sequel. >>Anonymous Sat May 16 13: so many unique shits in the japanese release section hahaha >>Anonymous Sat May 16 14: >>Anonymous Sat May 16 22: that statement is false. I don't think ANYONE had broadband back in the late 90's, my area didn't get it until 2002 or so. I REMEMBER the damn time period because I was sick of playing Q3 on dial up, i have no idea how i managed Q1, Q2 and UT99 on it.
>>Anonymous Sat May 16 22: lots of PSO at 56k and lots of Q3 also at 56k. PSO was fun times, never have that feeling again. >>Anonymous Sat May 16 22: imagine if SF3 was a complete edition on DC? Fuck man, all those missed possibilities. >>Anonymous Sat May 16 22: nope i can't tell what game is what. I can tell that SFA3 is a white game and SF3s is a black game.
Those blue games are all one fucking color, it confuses my brain. >>Anonymous Sat May 16 23: File: 51 KB, 700x374, 598.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >try to boot up Sonic Adventure for the hell of it >DC can't read GD-ROM >every single other game reads fine Well this is frustrating. Where can I find a good rip of Adventure anyways? >>Anonymous Sat May 16 23: Here's the SDISO for Dreamshell.
Works perfectly in RC3 if you use the right memory address. Don't play your games on burned discs, it wears the thing out. >>Anonymous Sun May 17 01: Anyone know some good/weird Japan-only DreamCast games? I'm talking about stuff like Roommania 203, Rent-a-Hero, Napple Tale.
>>Anonymous Sun May 17 01: File: 43 KB, 300x307, trigger-cover.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Triggerheart Excelica - basically a perfect port of the Arcade (and basically last official game ever). 2D shoot-em-up with Beautiful graphics and spot-on controls. (the fanservice helps too) >>Anonymous Sun May 17 01: ^this and also Ikaruga. Though the best ones are on PS2 and Steam respectively >>Anonymous Sun May 17 07: File: 2 KB, 448x448, kingie.png [] [] [] [] [] I don't know much about cables or signals, but how come Dreamcast has so blurry picture?
Maybe I just have bad cable. I use scart cable and HD ready TV.
All the other consoles that are connected with scart have clear picture, or as clear as the graphics allow. Saturn, ps1, ps2, all have pretty clear picture. Is VGA box recommended? My TV has VGA port so I could probably get really sharp picture if I connect dreamcast to it. Only problem is that VGA boxes tend to cost like motherfucker. >>Kya!kDashing02 Sun May 17 07: You can get a cheap chinese VGA cable for under $15 or a Tomee one for under $20. Could it be that your Dreamcast SCART cable is a composite one rather than RGB.
>>Anonymous Sun May 17 08: File: 60 KB, 1276x703, headhunter dreamcast loading screen.jpg [] [] [] [] [] Headhunter for Dreamcast has a very familiar stockphoto used in one of the loading screens. >>Anonymous Sun May 17 13: File: 111 KB, 1024x768, FT5W9FGP4HEWZMIZPG.LARGE.jpg [] [] [] [] [] You need VGA. The Dreamcast's native output is VGA, anything else lowers the picture quality quite a bit.
If you want one that's good and affordable, you can contact Cabou, and he'll make you a very nice one exactly to your liking for around $50.. You could also have your Dreamcast modded to have a built-in VGA port and 3.5mm audio for about $20 >>Anonymous Sun May 17 14: File: 1.19 MB, 200x200, 308.gif [] [] [] [] [] >tfw you realized the Xbox was the dreamcast 2 >>Anonymous Sun May 17 14: Only for the first year or so. Then Halo blew up and Microsoft totally flipped the script. >>Anonymous Sun May 17 15: Makes sense. Even the controllers are pretty much the same.
I think the duke controller was originally supposed to have VMU type of memory cards, but it was scrapped and thus the controller had this huge xbox logo to take the spare space. I think there even were some discussions about dreamcast support so that you could play dreamcast games on xbox. >>Anonymous Sun May 17 15: Yea but that fell through quickly. In order for it to work, they would have to jam an entire dreamcast into the xbox due to architecture difference, and have a special DVD drive equipped to read GD-ROMs. I guess they decided it wasn't worth it to increase the cost of the Xbox by $100+ for compatibility for a system people didn't care about anymore. >>Totse Redux Sun May 17 15: >Game recommendations All of them >Memories Using Web Browser 2.0 to find porn.
>>Anonymous Sun May 17 18: I had one running for about 3 years before the drive burnt out. Now it's just sitting in a box.
Honestly I'm hoping DC emulation gets good enough that it's not even an issue anymore. Original hardware is nice, but it's not terribly realistic for optical drive consoles. It's always the first thing to go. >>Anonymous Sun May 17 19: File: 2.00 MB, 319x264, why.gif [] [] [] [] [] >want to play all the original Resident Evil games on Dreamcast with superior graphics and performance >tfw Resident Evil 1 is not on Dreamcast >tfw going to get Resident Evil HD and then play the rest on Dreamcast but it's going to be wear because the graphics will be worse Does anybody else know these feels? If only Dreamcast had Resident Evil 1. >>Anonymous Sun May 17 19: >but it's going to be wear Weird, I mean.
I wish there was one of those Bleemcast thingies for Resident Evil. >>Anonymous Sun May 17 19: >>tfw Resident Evil 1 is not on Dreamcast I never noticed that but dude that's so wear, like why?! >>Anonymous Sun May 17 19: I guess it's because it was already on Saturn and Sega dudes didn't want to have repeats in their library. Still would love to play RE1 on Dreamcast. >>Anonymous Sun May 17 19: File: 115 KB, 540x645, solid snake.png [] [] [] [] [] Just finished MGS for the first time on Playstation and I'm all pumped up for console gaming after all these years of playing on PC.
Are there any similar games on Dreamcast, or maybe some kind of other game with deep complex plot and thrilling gameplay that defined Dreamcast? Yeah I know there are Sonic Adventures and whatnot, but I'm looking for something that will boggle my mind. >>Anonymous Sun May 17 19: Metal Gear Solid 2. >>Anonymous Sun May 17 20: I'm planning to get the HD collection for my X360 which I never use, but meantime I'm going to need something for my Dreamcast. It seems like Dreamcast only has Sega Arcade tittles. >>Anonymous Sun May 17 20: Shenmue.
>>Anonymous Sun May 17 20: File: 1.70 MB, 210x155, 421.gif [] [] [] [] [] >Dino Crisis 1 is for Dreamcast >Dino Crisis 2 is not SSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! >>Anonymous Sun May 17 20: Oh yes! That's something I'm talking about. I didn't grow up with consoles so I probably missed all kinds of games of this type. >>Anonymous Sun May 17 23: File: 85 KB, 500x500, dreamcast cake.jpg [] [] [] [] [] >you will never eat a dreamcast >>Anonymous Sun May 17 23: That's completely doable, Anon. >>Anonymous Mon May 18 00: There probably were folks who had broadband back then, but they were very few.
Also the adapters weren't more popular simply because the Dreamcast didn't last long enough to sell a lot. >>Anonymous Mon May 18 01: File: 141 KB, 500x375, 835.jpg [] [] [] [] [] well gents its time then i honestly have no idea why anyone praises Sonic Adventure at all. Released in 1998 and so was Spyro and they are both at the opposite ends of the spectrum in quality wise. (i am a N64 love fag and only played both these games recently, i have no nostalgia or bias towards both of these games and wanted to see why people liked them.) and holy shit was Sonic Adventure a steaming pile of shit. To let you know i was playing on a PAL Dreamcast and a burnt Sonic Adventure game. First lets start with the visuals. Yeah not bad, like decent to look at, colourful, etc thats fine which is nice but holy fuck.
Download Photoshop Cs6. Why did they do facial animation for sonic and characters? It looks fucked up, there are obvious missing key frames in the animation which makes everything look ridicolously choppy, surreal or broken.
Speaking of broken, why the fuck is there so many glitches and bugs in this game? And im not whinning because one game breaking bug happened, this was every fucking 20 mins. Either visual glitches, weird collisions on terrain or enemies or for fuck sake falling through the world. With visual out of the way, lets talk gameplay. Yeah there were some parts that were semi fun (pinball in the casino) but these were short and by far. For a game that is all about sonic and fast, its such a slow fucking paced game.
Like anytime you start doing fast loops and runs, boom magnet to the wall and soon as you touch the wall (which you didnt want to because sonic fucking sticks to shit randomly) it stops his moment straight away. And then there are the boss fights, every boss until eggman at the end can be beaten by massing the jump and attack button repeatedly. Like, you can chew away at boss health withing 10 seconds. I feel this wasn't intended. >>Anonymous Mon May 18 01: File: 1 KB, 125x83, 068.jpg [] [] [] [] [] (continued) Although story isnt really important in these types of games were having fun is more important, the story was so broken and inchorent its fucking an abstract work of art. Literally after every time i completed something, there is a massive, what the actual fuck do i do now. When completing an objective usually you should hint someway where to go next.
But the way the storyline was paced, it was a guessing game the whole entire fucking time. As with the audio, music that doesn't really fit any type of mood. All voice acting is as if they weren't paid (boy i love hearing sonic without emotion yell No! When he falls into a pit) After completing Sonics storyline, i tried every other characters storyline and quit due to the above issues and being amplified by some retarded gameplay elements (fishing as big? Seriously?) I honestly am not boarding the 'hate sonic' meme, i enjoy some sonic games, but this this was a fucking abomination. Especially when you consider Spyro beside it which had tight controls, camera, visuals, audios and flow.
>>Anonymous Mon May 18 01: File: 83 KB, 639x479, Main.png [] [] [] [] [] If you want, Dreamshell could breath some new life into the thing. You'd have to put some work into it, but if you tweek the laser just enough to read burned discs (not real discs, that'll damage the things) you can CD boot into Dreamshell, then, after performing the BIOS mod, you can install the bootloader to the console itself. Then just buy yourself a SDcard adapter and run all your games from there.
(or do the IDE mod. Way more work.
I guess you could also buy GDEMU. Good luck with that).